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Net Zero: What do leaders need to know?

In today’s Net Zero and digitally-transformed world, leaders face increasingly complex challenges. 


With the rapid rate of change and disruption across a vast range of industries globally, future business leaders need to have the agility and resilience to successfully tackle these challenges and anticipate future challenges. 

What is Net Zero? 


As the United Nations (UN) defines it, Net Zero means cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with any remaining greenhouse gas emissions being re-absorbed from our atmosphere. 


Essentially, Net Zero is about striking a balance between the greenhouse gas emissions we produce and the greenhouse gas emissions taken out of the atmosphere. 


Net Zero is a crucial goal to be achieved in order for our global society to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change and preserve our planet for current and future generations. 


To keep global warming at no greater than 1.5°C – as set out in the historic Paris Agreement – greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced by 45% by 2030, and reach Net Zero by 2050. 

What are the challenges for business leaders? 


In a highly-industrialised and populated world, there are complex challenges involved in reaching Net Zero that face business leaders around the world. 


Just some of these challenges include: 

Rolling out Net Zero strategies across organisations

For organisations to successfully implement Net Zero strategies and solutions, these can’t be driven and adopted by head offices alone – there needs to be a concerted team effort across the organisation. 


That means every part of the organisation, from manufacturing plants and supply chains through to sales teams, corporate head offices and C-level executives, need to be on-board and galvanised into action towards achieving Net Zero goals. 

Aligning spending and investment with sustainability 

Large organisations are key players in helping us as a global society to reach Net Zero by 2050.  

The ways in which organisations choose to invest and spend their money can make a big difference in achieving this goal. 


Business leaders need to be mindful about aligning their budgets with sustainability efforts. This can mean developing sustainable finance models to encourage decarbonisation. 


In a recent survey, only 16% of companies were reportedly confident that they’ve implemented sustainable finance frameworks, while only 11% were confident they’ve used innovative financing and contracting models to fund decarbonisation actions. 

Aligning business decisions with emissions data 

To achieve Net Zero, it’s also crucial for leaders to consider whether the business decisions they make align with available emissions data.  


According to the same survey, only 10% of business leaders are reportedly confident they regularly use emissions data to make business decisions.  


This means current and emerging business leaders need to be able to confidently and proactively utilise the latest emissions data to ensure they are making data-driven business decisions that are aligned with sustainability and Net Zero efforts. 

How can a Global MBA help you prepare for and tackle these challenges? 


The University of Hull’s online Global MBA will equip you with the advanced skills, expertise and tools you need to be an impactful leader with the insight, agility and resilience to take on the global challenges Net Zero presents. 


You’ll explore in detail the key role businesses play in reaching Net Zero and the sustainable practices business leaders can adopt to help businesses realise that goal. 


Under the 1:1 support and guidance of high-profile global industry experts throughout the course, you’ll master what it takes to be a thought leader in global sustainability and Net Zero efforts and be empowered to make positive, data-driven decisions that help global society to reach its Net Zero goal. 


Discover how the University of Hull’s online Global MBA can position you as an in-demand thought leader in a future Net Zero, digitally-transformed world:


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