Postgraduate studies doesn't have to be overwhelming. In fact, careful planning can make it an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. As a part time masters student, dedicating around 20 hours per week to your studies is a key to success.
But the beauty of online learning lies in the flexibility it offers. Picture this. You're in control of your schedule. No fixed lecture hours. No rigid routine. It's your choice.
Now take a glimpse into the life of one of our students. Here's a sample weekly schedule that they've shared with us. Remember, this is just a starting point, a source of inspiration.
Monday to Thursday, our student works a 9-5 full time job during the week. So they champion productivity during the day, reserving evenings, and their morning commute time for study. From 8AM to 9AM and 7PM to 9PM, they're immersed in their academic journey. They use this time to watch course webinars, add to forum discussions, or complete weekly reading.
Friday, a well deserved breather from the academic routine. Our student knows that striking the right balance means taking a step back on Fridays. They choose to use this time for grabbing a bite, enjoying drinks, or simply unwinding.
Saturday, the weekend brings the perfect opportunity to embrace balance. Our student dedicates a focused morning session for study, 9AM to 12PM. This is followed by a well deserved, relaxed afternoon, including spending time with family, lunch out and a movie night.
Sunday. A calm morning sees an hour of course reading, gradually transitioning into family time and a satisfying lunch. The afternoon brings another two hours of focused study followed by grocery shopping for the week. The day concludes with a comforting dinner and quality family time.
This student's journey mirrors the adaptability of our online programmes. And of course, not every week has to be the same. Remember, this path is uniquely yours. Feel free to shape this template to match your needs. It's also important to remember that there will be regular breaks throughout your study for holiday periods and assessments.
Embark on your journey with us and unfold a world of possibilities. Your time, your terms.