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Leadership in education

Behind every successful education institution are strong educational leaders. In this blog post, we discuss why leadership in education is important and the successes effective leadership can achieve. 

Why is leadership important in education? 


Strong leadership in education is key to success, as it drives innovation, supports different educational needs, fosters a positive culture and environment, and ultimately sets the standard for a successful educational experience. Read on to discover what effective leadership can achieve. 
Effective leadership is required throughout an educator’s career, whether you remain involved in direct teaching, empowering and guiding learners to success, or move to more senior administrative and advisory roles, steering the goals of an organisation. Take a look over on our blog for more detail on the top 10 skills educators need to succeed.

What can effective leadership in education achieve? 

Establishing clear direction and inspiring educational vision

Effective educational leaders are key in setting a clear vision and direction for their educational institution. Ultimately, the goals, values, expectations and objectives are established and steered by them, guiding all educators and students alike towards this common goal. 
Additionally, effective leaders in education are able to inspire key stakeholders in promoting their vision, motivating others to become advocates, committed to achieving this end goal of success together.  

Navigating challenges and crisis management 

No role is ever plain sailing, and educational leaders can expect to have to navigate challenges along their journey to success. From limited resources and changing educational policies, to staff morale and retention, how they react to these challenges and get others on side is key to success. 


Additionally, crisis management may fall under their remit. How the institution responds to a breach of policy or a natural disaster, for example, would need to be part of their crisis management strategy. If dealt with efficiently and correctly, how institutions respond to crises can actually boost reputation and demand, which is why having a pre-planned strategy is so important. 

Creating a positive learning environment 

Educational leaders have a vital role in fostering a positive learning environment for both educators and students, where all can feel safe, valued, motivated and able to thrive. Educational leaders are also responsible for ensuring that those involved in their school or educational institution follow a culture of support, collaboration, inclusion and respect.  
Aside from this, through their actions and decisions, successful educational leaders can lead by example - promoting a sense of pride and belonging within the institution, creating an environment where students and educators feel the desire to participate and engage in the shared goal.

Implementing changes and driving innovation 

Successful educational leaders promote an environment where creativity is encouraged and ongoing development, both of individuals and the institution itself, are celebrated.   
They strategically implement changes, using data and research to back up their decisions, and actively encourage those involved to feel motivated by the innovation going on around them. 

How an MA in Education can help you become an effective leader 


If you’re interested to learn more about effective leadership, our MA in Education could be for you. Our course is part-time, and 100% online (with optional face-to-face events) meaning you can learn at your own pace and work around your other commitments. See here for further information on how you can apply your MA in Education to your work. 
Your current role, whether you’re a teacher, nursery nurse, policy maker or museum education officer, is pivotal in shaping our future world. This course not only focuses on how to evaluate and develop your professional offering, but also how to embrace both challenges and opportunities by using the right evidence, theories and frameworks:


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