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Why study a Master’s in Education?

Education is at the heart of the ever-changing world. Whether you are a highschool teacher, nursery assistant or even a basketball coach, you have the role of an educator, and have the ability to influence and develop learners, therefore making the society better informed. 


Being a 21st century educator is no easy feat, and it means you are directly involved in shaping up the future minds of the world. With this great responsibility comes a rewarding satisfaction. It’s not just about the teaching but more importantly, why you are teaching that pushes you forward to continue a career in education.  

Education at a glance today 


We all know that education is not accessible to everyone everywhere. Research suggests that one fifth of adults lack formal schooling globally. Although countries such as Singapore and the United States are making headway in trying to change these statistics by increasing government expenditure on education year on year, there are still many other countries unable to offer the same, creating a huge gap to be filled. 


Education is always evolving and renewing. With the Covid-19 pandemic forcing everyone to adopt new teaching and learning methods, we have the opportunity to take a chance at education equity once again. There’s always new technologies being introduced for education, and education as we know it has a new normal every day. So educators need to acclimate fast and prepare for it from a global viewpoint. 

Benefits of studying a Master’s in Education 


To clarify, a Master’s in Education supports all types of teaching and training, not just for academics. In principle, no matter the subject, the role of teachers is the same - to deliver education. Yet equipping yourself with all the skills and training to teach the world today, is the challenge. 


A Master’s programme will provide the experience and guidance you need as an educator to answer the demands of time. Firstly, you will significantly improve your teaching and communication skills and this will help you grow professionally outside the classroom. Being an expert in the teaching process helps you convey your teachings better. 




Not only does completing a Master’s strengthen your position in your current job, but it also opens doors to greater opportunities with increased stability and remuneration packages. In the US, teaching is one of the largest growing industries, and post-secondary teaching positions are predicted to increase 9% from 2014 to 2024 with a clear need for experienced, qualified educators both online and in person. 


Teachers also have the added benefit of knowing that their teaching careers help students learn and grow. While there are many other perks for a qualified teacher such as access to school amenities, insurance and scholarship programmes, there’s nothing quite like directly having an effect on the next generation. 

The University of Hull’s MA in Education 


If you’ve been looking for a course that is applicable to any teaching career, the University of Hull offers an online and part-time MA in Education that you can access from anywhere in the world. Studying this course helps you to draw from your own experiences and adapt your learnings to your own practice.  


Unlike a PGCHE, a Master’s is for those already in the teaching industry who want to move up the ladder. This MA in Education is a complete programme where you will learn to implement new educational technologies, work with a global perspective, create inclusive environments to learning and also upskill as an educator.  


In courses such as The Digital Educator, you will develop a deep understanding of educational tech, and the latest innovations and tools to be confident for the changes to come. This will provide you with an all round experience, fitting for today. 


The Transformative Educator is also another module in the course that is important as it explores evidence-based research within a framework of social justice, diversity, equality and sustainability. Analysing a range of educational settings will help with understanding how sustainable development goals will apply to your work.  


If the MA in Education by University of Hull meets your expectations for the career progression you want in life, learn more about the course: 



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