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5 dementia conferences you should attend in 2019/20

Conferences bring together all types of people affected by dementia – those living with the condition, carers, academics, and those working with people with dementia. They’re an excellent opportunity to share knowledge, experiences and perspectives and gain deeper insights into the complex field of dementia.


Here are 5 dementia conferences you should attend in 2019/20:


1. 29th Alzheimer Europe Conference


When? 23-25 October 2019

Where? The Hague, Netherlands


Hosted by NGO Alzheimer Europe, the 29th Alzheimer Europe Conference will bring together people with dementia and their families, volunteers and staff from Alzheimer associations, policymakers, health and social care professionals, academics, and industry representatives from across Europe and beyond.


This year’s conference theme is ‘Making valuable connections’. Through keynote discussions, special symposia and presentations, the conference will explore ways in which an effective multi-disciplinary and multi-professional approach to dementia can be established.


2. 14th UK Dementia Congress


When? 5-7 November 2019

Where? Doncaster, UK


An annual dementia-focused event that attracts participants from across the UK, Europe, and the globe, the 14th UK Dementia Congress will offer a combination of plenary and parallel sessions, interactive workshops, symposia and special networking events.


The conference will explore all areas of support and care for people with dementia and their carers in care homes, day care, acute hospitals, extra-care and sheltered housing, and the community. People living with dementia and their carers are closely involved as contributors throughout the event.


3. 34th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI)


When? 19-21 March 2020


Where? Singapore


The longest-running and one of the world’s largest international conferences on dementia, with over 1,000 participants from more than 100 countries, the 34th International Conference of ADI will feature a range of renowned international keynote speakers.


The conference offers an opportunity for participants to learn about the latest advances in the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care and management of dementia.


This multi-disciplinary event brings together scientists, researchers, clinicians, healthcare professionals, those living with dementia and their families, and staff and volunteers from Alzheimer associations.


The conference’s theme for 2020 will be ‘Hope in the age of dementia’.


4. International Dementia Conference


When? 11-12 June 2020

Where? Sydney, Australia


The theme for The Dementia Centre’s International Dementia Conference in 2020 will be ‘Care in the Age of Outrage’.


Drawing on local and international expertise, as well as the voices of those living with dementia, the conference will explore how the future of dementia is shaped in the years ahead.


Through keynote discussions and debates, participants will consider the many ways in which support and care for people living with dementia and their families and carers can be approached.


Find out more about the International Dementia Conference and register online.


5. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC)


When? 26-30 July 2020

Where? Amsterdam, Netherlands


One of the most influential international conferences focused on advancing dementia science, the AAIC brings together researchers, clinicians and the care research community from around the world to share research discoveries leading to methods of treatment, prevention and improvements in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.


The conference features keynote discussions from leading international experts, as well as workshops and networking opportunities.


Find out more about the AAIC and sign up for updates.


If you want to expand your expertise in dementia, the University of Hull Online offers a flexible online MSc in Dementia that will give you the in-depth knowledge and skills you need to critically challenge common perceptions of dementia and to understand what it means to live well with dementia.

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