Read the transcript from Veronique Guiberteau Canfrere's (MA Creative Writing graduate) interview at Hull Online graduation.

"I'm Veronique Guiberteau Canfrere, I graduated from creative writing, A Master of creative writing. Master of Arts. Because I wanted to study online because I live in France. So and it was not very convenient for me to move for one or two years. I was looking for an online Master of Arts in creative writing, and it was the first year for the Hull online creative writing master. I'm very pleased to have found this one. Meeting wonderful people, I think that we bonded, even if we were not in presence. We bonded around our bit of activity, which is writing creatively. I think I learned a lot because teacher tutors made us read books I wouldn't have read without this course. I'm very proud of myself because I'm French, I've never lived in an English speaking country. I succeeded. It's a great achievement on the personal side to be able to get master of art in creative writing in English. You have to engage. You have to engage with the others. It's not only getting feedback from the tutors, it's mainly to give and get feedback from your peers. Writing a novel or two or three or four, I don't know. I think it gives me a professional vibe of what it is to be a writer. Before I liked writing, especially in English, now I think I want to be really a writer. I want to be published maybe. It's very ambitious and I measure how ambitious it is to be published. But I want to write something which is at the publishing level, it would be a great accomplishment for me. A great achievement. You learn to have the discipline to have a routine, And I think that it's totally possible to do this course with a full social working or family life. It's just the first flavor of would be a writing life."