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Geetha Karunanayake

Dr. Geetha Karunanayake

Global MBA Programme Director

Dr. Karunanayake joined the University of Hull as a Ph.D. student in 2006. While doing her Ph.D., she served as a part-time tutor, and has been a full-time academic since September 2012. Before joining the university of Hull, she worked for 12 years at the University of Sri Jayewardenenpura, Sri Lanka.  

Dr. Karunanayake teaches a wide range of modules in Organizational Behaviour and HRM for both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees and also supervise Ph.D. research students.    

She also served as the Programme Director for BA Business and Management (part-time) Programme for four years.    

Career achievements

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Getting a PhD at The University of Hull, and MBA at University of Sri Jayewardanapura, Sri Lanka. 
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Becoming Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA)
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Becoming a Commonwealth Scholar

Research interests

  • Identity scholarship, leadership and cross-cultural issues in management. She is particularly interested in exploring how social realities are constructed in workplaces through social interactions and discourses. 
  • Dr. Karunanayake would like to remain active in promoting social constructionist perspectives, and ethnography and in encouraging researchers to become reflexive in the research process.
  • Research Publication: Cunliffe, A. L. & Karunanayake, G. (2013) 'Working Within Hyphen-Spaces in Ethnographic Research: Implications for Research Identities and Practice', Organizational Research Methods, 16(3), 364-392.

Explore important societal themes of today and tomorrow

Our Global MBA blends leading-edge academic thinking with industry best practice. This postgraduate programme will equip you with the expertise and tools needed to be an impactful leader in a carbon neutral, digitally transformed future. 


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