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Why we need more women in engineering

Dr Angeliki Papasava is the Programme Director for the University of Hull Online MSc in Engineering Management. She spoke to us about why more women are needed in the engineering industry and what her advice would be for women looking to get into the engineering profession:


As a female entrepreneur running my own engineering company, I’ve had the honour of working with many female engineers. Unfortunately, the proportion of women in the field is still very low. This must change!


Angeliki Papsava

Dr Angeliki Papasava


Studies show that women face multiple hurdles with engineering being a male-dominated occupation, in addition to the belief that they may not be qualified enough to become engineers. Scientifically, the opposite has been proven. Women do have the necessary skill set to study engineering - and to become experts in the field.


Bring a fresh perspective


It’s important for women to pursue a career in engineering in order to bring a fresh perspective to a male-dominated environment. As multi-talented and multitasking creatures, we can think out of the box and help our world become a better place.


There are so many great examples of women’s research in the field of engineering. The use of origami can be translated to functional engineering products that transformed today’s space technology.


Although barriers to entry for women are numerable, career satisfaction is high; more than 80% of female engineers are either happy or extremely happy with their career choice, and 98% find their job rewarding, according to a 2013 survey by the Royal Academy of Engineering (PDF).



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Be authentic and passionate


I strongly recommend a career in engineering as there is a shortage of engineers at the moment, which gives job seekers the opportunity to be hired straight after their studies with a very good starting salary.


Some general advice I’d give women for a career in engineering is to be authentic and passionate. As a famous quote says, “Do what you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”.


As an online tutor at the University of Hull Online, I have a chance to do what I’m passionate about. Being authentic and true to my values and beliefs, I’ve built a strong relationship with my students and I help engineers understand that there’s more to their work than technical knowledge. They become better managers and strong leaders. Their positive feedback is my motivation to continue, as is my wonderful relationship with my colleagues.


Now is the time for talented women to shine


As a female educator in the field of engineering, I’d like to see more female students. According to Elizabeth Donnelly, CEO of the Women’s Engineering Society, women outperform men in engineering fields of study: “Almost 80% of female engineering students will get a first or 2:1 degree, compared with 74.6% of male students’’.


We teamed up with the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) and the 2022 ‘International Women in Engineering Day’ to celebrate the amazing work that women engineers around the world are doing to support lives and livelihoods every day. Watch the webinar providing insight on how Hull Online's MSc in Engineering Management is helping women engineers with their career:


Read the transcript for this video here


This is also the case in the engineering classes I teach – and just one of the reasons I’d like to have more female students in my classes. The gender equality gap must close, and now is the best time for talented women to shine!


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